Newsletter Issue 1 - 2018 - WHATS NEW FOR SALTHOUSE
Happy New Year
It's been one of the earliest and best summers we have had for many years here in Auckland. I hope you have been able to get out on the water and enjoy.
We took delivery of our own Salthouse Corsair 44’ mid-year after the sale of our Salthouse 63’. While this is the 5th Salthouse Corsair 44 sedan version we have owned, having a couple of years in the bigger boat totally highlighted how good the Corsairs are and perhaps why they are without a doubt the most built powerboat hull in NZ history.
We have enjoyed lots of fun times on the water this summer with family and friends. While out on the water I really noticed the presence of the various Corsair models wherever we went and it's very rewarding to think what Dad started all those years ago is still going strong.